Compiled by Kaweesi Shafik
Hope Restoration South Sudan (HRSS),
in collaboration with Saferworld and supported by the United Nations Secretary General’s Peace-building Fund, continues to make strides in promoting women’s involvement in peace and security across South Sudan.

Recently, a significant gathering took place on June 21, 2024, at the Glory Regency Hotel in Juba, focusing on fostering peer-to-peer learning among Women Civil Society Organizations (WCSOs), Women Rights/Led Networks, and Coalitions. The theme, “Facilitating Peer-Peer Learning among Women Led Organizations & Networks / Coalitions to Identify Advocacy Priorities,” brought together passionate advocates for women’s rights and peace-building together.

The meeting addressed critical advocacy issues that hinder women’s full participation in peace and security efforts. Participants highlighted several challenges and proposed solutions aimed at creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for women across South Sudan.


Challenges Identified:

  1. Under-representation in Leadership: Women continue to face barriers in accessing leadership roles within governmental and corporate sectors. This under-representation limits their ability to contribute fully to peace and security initiatives, despite their demonstrated capabilities.

“Women’s voices are crucial in decision-making processes for sustainable peace. We need policies that actively promote gender parity in leadership positions.” – Participant from the meeting.

  1. Economic Hardships: Many women, particularly those in business, endure economic crises exacerbated by harassment and vandalism of their merchandise. These challenges not only threaten their livelihoods but also perpetuate cycles of poverty and instability.

“Economic stability is essential for sustainable peace. Protecting women entrepreneurs is crucial for rebuilding our communities.” – Participant from the meeting.

  1. Education Access: Cultural norms often prioritize boys’ education over girls’, perpetuating gender inequalities from an early age. Limited access to education denies girls the opportunity to develop skills necessary for leadership roles in the future.

“Education is the foundation for women’s empowerment. Investing in girls’ education is investing in our country’s future stability.” – Participant from the meeting.

  1. Cultural and Social Norms: Deep-seated patriarchal attitudes restrict women’s roles to domestic spheres, limiting their participation in public and political life. Harmful practices such as early marriage further marginalize young girls, hindering their potential contribution to society.

“Breaking cultural barriers is essential for achieving gender equality. We must challenge norms that perpetuate inequality and exclusion.” – Participant from the meeting.

Proposed Solutions:

  • Policy Advocacy: Participants urged the government to implement affirmative action policies, such as the 35% quota for women in decision-making positions, to enhance women’s representation in peace and security initiatives.
  • Legislative Reforms: Calls were made for the enactment and enforcement of laws that protect women and girls from gender-based violence (GBV) and ensure their rights as outlined in international agreements like the Maputo Protocol and CEDAW.
  • Capacity Building: Emphasis was placed on providing mentorship and educational opportunities to young girls and women, equipping them with skills and knowledge to actively participate in peace-building efforts.
  • Resource Allocation: Addressing the inadequate funding of Women-Led Organizations (WLOs) and Women’s Rights Organizations (WROs) was identified as crucial for sustaining their efforts in promoting peace and security.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to prioritize these advocacy issues and engage key stakeholders in high-level discussions. The goal is to forge actionable solutions that will pave the way for greater women’s representation and participation in the peace and security sector in South Sudan.

As we move forward, HRSS and its partners remain dedicated to resourcing change from the ground up, empowering women-led networks, and advocating for inclusive peace-building across all communities in South Sudan.

For full Article click on the link below.

Link to event pictorial gallery

Compiled by Kaweesi Shafik | Communications Associate | Hope Restoration South Sudan